Looking for 50 Bergen inhabitants over 75 who will get the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine
50 people from Bergen who are 75 years old or older will receive the fourth dose of the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19, as part of the EU-COVAT AGED study connected to the VACCELERATE project aiming to investigate how the immune system responds to one more booster dose of the vaccine.
20 patients have already been recruited for the study, and the vaccination is taking place in weeks 24 and 25.
Participants may not have received other vaccines (influenza vaccine is allowed) in the last three months or may have been infected with COVID-19 during the same period.
If you are interested in joining the study, contact Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn (kristin.mohn@uib.no) or Kristin Heienberg (Kristin.Heienberg@uib.no).
Read more: https://www.ba.no/nyhetsstudio-helse/s/5-8-1689687?p=lc-4032567-7071-bergensavisen