Forskningsdagene 2022
This happened at Forskningsdagene 2022. The Influenza Centre participated at Forskningstorget and made large batches of corona vaccine to protect Tina, Eirik, Amalie and Lars. As a result the virus experienced a hard time. Does anyone even care about the well-being of a virus? They are also living creatures – at least according to some.
You have been in close contact with an infected person, do you isolate yourself at home or take the chance to go out into society?
Roll the dice to find out if you infect someone and therefore go back 6 steps. Or do you get six, allowing you to go 6 steps forward?
Grandfather must declare loss, grandchild got to the end of the pandemic first.
There are many different antibodies in the body, only one fits the virus spike. How can we multiply this one antibody? Answer: Vaccine!