Forskningsdagene 2023
© Henriette Ertsås
The Influenza Centre was well represented at Forskningsdagene 2023 with a stand at Forskningstorget and a popular science show into schools about the use of antibiotics and its effect on the microbiome. Those attending Forskningstorget could perform a randomised, double-blind clinical study on each other to test a pill claiming to cure bad mood. Director Mari Sundli Tveit from the Norwegian Research Council stopped by and participated in the study. She also quickly realized why the study must be blinded, randomized, and have many participants before we can introduce new medicine to society. Our pill against bad mood did not pass the test. Back to the lab. The audience also got to try playing the parts of bacteria and Anton I Biotika, in a brave attempt to keep the gut in order. It didn’t go well. Antibiotics can sometimes create more trouble than it solves.
© Henriette Ertsås
© Henriette Ertsås
© Henriette Ertsås
© Henriette Ertsås